
FF £14

Pssst, Hailey, can we walk around with our husbands looking that cute? AWESOME!!!!

Her bun, her collar, her pants, ugh! i love it!!!!!!!!!

Source: rodeo.net via Jaydinn on Pinterest

Yes.. i'm getting an anchor tattoo (because i LOVE classic sailor tattoos) and when people ask about it,  i'll quote "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul" and there you have it. hidden Jesus meanings in tattoos are the best!

This is like the sweetest thing ever to me! i don't know why, but it strikes a happy chord in me.

Source: google.com via Natalie on Pinterest

I just bought almost the same glasses the other day! i can't wait for them to get here! i hope they fit my face! haha!

Source: tumblr.com via Jaydinn on Pinterest

This makes me beyond happy!!!

Source: tumblr.com via Jaydinn on Pinterest

How can you not sing the entire song after seeing this? This pot would make me drink even more tea!!

I just went outside and tested it out! it totally worked! soooooo cute!

Ho Hey by The Lumineers on Grooveshark

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